Hello World!
I am not sure if I should call it fear but there is definitely something that has stopped me all these years from starting my blog.
I believe I have much to share and for several years I have thought about blogging but I have had a very busy agenda with all the roles I play in my life and as a result I decided to place this blog into a wish list of meaningful things I want to try before I depart from this world…
I do not know where exactly this blog is going to lead but there is something inside of me saying: START WRITING!!!
Well, here I am writing my first blog and to be honest I feel pretty good that I finally sat down to simply put my fingers on a keyboard and start typing.
After some reading about blogging apparently I am supposed to choose an audience based on who I want to help with all this knowledge and expertise I have accumulated over the years, but at this point I am not very clear on which audience I should focus on.
This is due to the fact that there is so much I have experienced and learned in my life about creating and building wealth, staying healthy and achieving success or happiness.
I am a husband, I am a dad, I have parents to take care of, I have experienced success as a business man, I have been a leader all my life, I am a friend, I am a child of God and I have much experience and much knowledge in regard to creating and building success wherever I go.
All these years I have dedicated the better part of my life to helping people achieve their dreams by showing them how to create and build wealth, health and happiness in their lives.
As a result of the above I learned very early in my life that those who want to succeed in life have a better chance of achieving all their dreams if they simply dedicate themselves to achieving the dreams of others… For me that is the secret of achieving happiness and much success in life.
This way of achieving success (helping others achieve their dreams) allows us to leave a legacy that changes the lives of those we have helped in our path through this planet…
It has been a very rewarding experience to change the world one life at time but now I wish to use the power of technology to reach more people because I am not getting younger…
I hope that by creating this blog I can scale from changing the world one life at time to maybe two or three or ten, or twenty or maybe hundreds or why not thousands or millions at a time…
Let’s get started. Bye bye fear of blogging, hello world!…
Thanks Ismaelito for inviting me to be part of this blog. You inspire me to be a better person and keep dreaming. Thank you for always being able to help and share all your knowledge.
Thank you much Alejandrito for your kind words.
Dear Ismael.
Best wishes my dear friend for starting such an wonderful blog.
You vast experience and knowledge is like an chest locker of wealth.not be locked inside an iron box, instead be shared amoung all generations and people to attain the desired perfection. You have chosen the right step at right age to write. Start doing it. Human life is to make sustainable life after our end, and how does this happen is by duplicating ourselves and sharing the positive waves in world so that it reaches all the good people to learn and create oppurtunity.
Good way to go dear. I wish you success now on your new term as an blogger.
Dear Raghavan,
It is a great honor to have a comment from you on my first post.
You are one of the key people who has contributed to my success in life and I thank you much for that.
Your comment is full of much wisdom and I can assure you that one of my posts will be based on it.
I love the idea of having such great opportunity to read your blog, as during the yeas I have been sharing with you in the big industry of Logistics, I am one of those people who has felt that you are a person who is always there helping others to succeed, and i am glad you finally took the chance to share all of that knowledge you have to help others achieve their own goals.. Congratulations and hope to see more posts.
Thank you much Zenaida for your kind words.
It has been great to work and grow together all these years.
Hermano este es mi primer comentario en un blog y me da gusto que sea el tuyo…Si tu deseo es ayudar a los demás entonces el más beneficiado serás vos. Son deseos y acciones loables ayudar a los demás.
Estaré pendiente de tus actualizaciones…Feliciidades.
Te agradezco hermano por tu comentario y por que has formado parte de mis logros en este planeta.
Congratulations Ismael for this big step. It is said that the purpose of life is not just to be happy but to be useful, honorable, compassionate and make some difference in not just our life but others too. And you are just doing it the best as always. I’ll look forward to seeing the next post!
I thank you very much Lissette for your wonderful feedback.
I actually think that your feedback is a great topic for my next post… 🙂
On the wall in my office, there is a large picture with the following quote: “If you try and fail: Congratulations. Most people won’t even try”. Way to go Ismael, just starting this blog already puts you in the top 5% go-getters worldwide! Dream Big! Be Brave!
Dear Dale Gledhill,
It is an honor to receive your feedback. Thank you much for your kind words.